Life Sciences

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Life Sciences recruitment

With frequent new initiatives and everchanging regulations, Life Sciences businesses need to constantly adapt, not only to stay ahead of their competition, but also because delays in discovering and producing drugs can cost them millions. The support we give our clients to quickly attract the best industry talent has a direct impact on their ability to discover, test and produce new drugs and equipment safely and compliantly - we are proud to play our part in helping our clients go to market and transform the lives of their patients.

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Unrivalled global networks

Our global candidate network enables us to find the best people, not just the nearest, so you have a better selection of top candidates to choose from

Exceptional market knowledge

We understand your unique challenges and needs, in order to provide the most qualified people, quickly

Outstanding service

Our client satisfaction scores are over 3x higher than industry average. Our clients get a professional and accurate service, saving them time and effort

Our services

To help our Life Sciences clients attract the best talent, we have developed a number of different services and solutions that we tailor to their unique needs.

Choose the best hiring or consulting option for your business.

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Case studies

Delivering the very best for our clients and the lawyers we work with is our top priority. No matter their company size or remit, we will always build bespoke solutions to meet their unique needs and challenges.

These are just a few recent examples of how we have added value to their businesses.

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Our latest insights

by Charlotte Colley 22 Jul, 2024
We're back! We're thrilled to announce the return of our interview series, Women in Law, where we shine a spotlight on the extraordinary women making waves in the legal world. Join us as we delve into their journeys, explore their challenges and triumphs and celebrate their remarkable achievements.
16 Jul, 2024
For the first time in history, five distinct generations are working side-by-side. That’s Gen Z, Millennials, Gen X, Baby Boomers and the Silent Generation all under one roof. While to some this might sound like a nightmarish family reunion at the office, this combination brings about unique benefits that aren't being talked about enough. While generational diversity in the workplace creates a rich mashup of experiences and work styles, it also presents challenges that organisations need to navigate in order to create a harmonious and productive workplace. This starts with understanding the unique needs of each generation. So, let’s meet them. 1. Silent Generation (Born 1928-1945) Key characteristics: Known for their strong work ethic, discipline and loyalty Typical work style: Prefer face-to-face communication and structured environments Biggest impact: Their wealth of experience and historical knowledge 2. Baby Boomers (Born 1946-1964) Key characteristics: Competitive, goal-oriented, team-focused Typical work style: Value hierarchical structures and in-person meetings Biggest impact: Their commitment and experience, long-term strategic planning and ensuring organisational stability 3. Generation X (Born 1965-1980) Key characteristics: Independent, resourceful, skeptical of authority Typical work style: Favour flexibility, work-life balance, and digital communication Biggest impact: Being a bridge between older and younger generations, promoting adaptability 4. Millennials (Born 1981-1996) Key characteristics: Tech-savvy, collaborative, purpose-driven Typical work style: Prefer collaborative workspaces, digital communication, meaningful work Biggest impact: Their enthusiasm for technology and social responsibility drives organisational change/modernisation 5. Generation Z (Born 1997-2012) Key characteristics: Digital natives, pragmatic, entrepreneurial Typical work style: Expect flexible working conditions, value diversity, quick feedback Biggest impact: Bringing fresh perspectives and digital expertise, crucial for future-proofing businesses There you have it... but how can businesses ensure each generation’s needs are met at the same time as encouraging cross-generational collaboration? We’ve tried to break it down: Why it’s good: Each generation brings unique experiences and viewpoints. This means organisations can drive creativity and innovation. Different problem-solving approaches and ideas can lead to more robust solutions. Older generations can impart valuable knowledge and mentorship to younger employees. This fosters a culture of continuous learning. This exchange of skills can help maintain knowledge and develop future leaders. Organisations that embrace generational diversity are better equipped to adapt to change. The blend of wisdom, knowledge and innovation can help organisations better navigate market shifts and technological advancements. Why it can be bad... and how to fix it: There are lots of reasons why employees might feel a divide between generations. Here are some common challenges and suggested solutions:
10 Jul, 2024
10 July, 2024 - Hydrogen Group and Argyll Scott appoint Joel Forrester as Global Managing Director - Client Services.
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Inspiring Business Women

We support many different organisations with their talent agenda and for many of them, diversity is now a key focus for strategic recruitment. Together, we believe that investing in diversity and inclusion is part of investing in a company built to last. A key focus is how we can create a more gender-diverse workplace. In this series, we share the incredible personal stories of successful business women around the world.

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